
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Taking December off

Ok, y'all, we're going to take a break in December because there are so many fun Christmas things going on in our area! We will regroup in January.

I have a couple of requests.

First, if Wednesday mornings aren't working for you, please let me know! I am absolutely willing to adjust the days if it means more people will come out and play.

Second, I'm looking for some helpers at the beginning of the year to get the word out to our neighbors! I'd like to put up some fliers around downtown (the library, Carousel Closet, etc) as well as really pushing the word-of-mouth to get friends to come. If you are interested in helping me just one afternoon in early January, please leave a comment or email me!

Enjoy the holiday season, and hopefully we'll see you at the NNA Christmas Party and then again for the first NNA playdate of 2014!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 13 Playdate-- edited!

Sorry this is a little late in getting out! I've been dealing with scheduling conflicts.

Let's try Mingo Park again, as they have a very handy rain/cold location available!  My girls have a doctor's appointment at 9:30, so we will not be able to get there until 10:30am. Here's the quick and easy run down.

DATE: Wednesday, November 13th, 2013
TIME: 10:30am-noon
LOCATION: Mingo Park playground (rain location is Mingo park gym. If it rains, please bring some balls or toys as there are none publicaly available).

Even if you can't come, please tell your neighbors and friends to join us! We'd love to meet neighbors.

And if you have any questions, leave a comment here or email me (Tara).
